Why do I need an App for my Practice?
Love it or hate it your clients are using mobile technology with increasing frequency. We are surrounded on a daily basis by individuals tapping away on their phones or tablets, checking their emails, browsing the internet, or using 'Apps'.
Your App is sure to impress your clients, future prospects and referrers, and if you act quickly will set you apart from other Accountants. You will be seen as a forward thinking firm that is looking at providing added extra's that your competitors currently don't. After all, how would you feel if your clents had an app from one of your competitors on their phone?
So what would be in my App?
Your App will be completely branded for your Practice with your logo, colouring and details about your Practice. It will also include Tax Calculators, Tax Rates, Dates and Tips on reducing Tax that are kept current and up to date on your behalf by our in house Chartered Tax Advisor.
Why don't you take a look for yourself by downloading our free sample App from Apple Itunes Store (click here), Google Play for Android (click here) or take a look at our videos (click here)
Don't forget to be different!

Whether it's by using the Push Notification to be proactive with information to your clients, or using our unique calculators, choosing Tax Apps to develop your app will give you a competitive advantage and not only that, with pricing starting from £499 ex Vat it's great value for money.

Call us NOW on 0845 835 2909 to arrange your free demonstration.
Tax App Limited.
Mullen Stoker House,
Mandale Business Park,
Belmont Industrial Estate,
Durham, DH1 1TH.
T: 0845 835 2909
F: 0191 374 0301